News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Yes, your smart TV really is spying on you: Leaked docs reveal CIA secretly turned Samsung TVs into microphones that spy on your conversations
For years Deep State insiders and others familiar with the federal government’s spy agencies have been sounding the alarm about the development of technology that enables constant, real-time electronic surveillance of anyone, anywhere, anytime (President Donald Trump, something to consider as you delve into who ordered it against you and why.) Now, thanks to another […]
By JD Heyes
Trump pledges he will be “proven right” in Obamagate scandal as former insiders claim lid is about to be blown off
Chris Ruddy, the CEO of Newsmax, is fortunate among media types. He doesn’t just have “access” to President Donald J. Trump, he counts him as a close friend. In fact, they’ve been friends for years. So when he says the president told him personally that he would be vindicated in the burgeoning “Obamagate” scandal, in […]
By JD Heyes
Michigan police now allowed to have sex with prostitutes during investigations
Though it’s nearly unimaginable to think so in this day and age, it isn’t currently against the law for Michigan police officers to actually have sex with prostitutes while they are investigating prostitution, but newly introduced legislation will seek to dismantle that exemption, the UK’s Independent reports. In fact, the paper notes, Michigan appears to be […]
By JD Heyes
President announces “Civilian National Security Force” – but wait, that was OBAMA, not Trump
The anti-American Alt-Left – which appears to be helping our terrorist enemies every day they protest President Donald J. Trump and drive the country further apart – is certain that the current occupant of the White House is a fascist authoritarian who is just waiting to crush their civil liberties. Mind you, the president hasn’t […]
By JD Heyes
Lawmaker introduces bill to prohibit forced microchipping
It’s not beyond the realm of possibility, given today’s technology and love for the nanny state among tens of millions of Americans, that someday we might all be required to be “chipped” – that is, implanted with a tiny microchip under our skin so that we can be constantly tracked by government at all levels. […]
By JD Heyes
Possible new head of the FDA is a supporter of medical marijuana … Could Trump’s FDA finally stop suppressing cannabis?
For decades, cannabis advocates have pushed for universal legalization of medical marijuana. Citing scientific study after scientific study, they have forcefully (and truthfully) argued that legalization would provide much needed relief to millions of people suffering from a host of medical ailments. But the federal government has only responded with continued bans and regulatory restrictions […]
By JD Heyes
Facebook secretly working with the police state to violate your Fourth Amendment rights
Your constitutional right to privacy has suffered greatly in the Information Age, either through blatantly illegal government surveillance or by voluntarily giving it up through the use of social media. But what about when you don’t voluntarily give up information—does the government still have the right to it? If you’re Facebook, then the answer is […]
By JD Heyes
Amazon Echo devices spy on you in your own home… police are now trying to acquire those recordings
Well, it sure didn’t take long for the authorities to find yet another way to use technology—specifically “the Internet of things”—to violate our constitutional right to privacy. As reported by EnGadget, police in Arkansas want to know if one of Amazon’s Echo devices, which are constantly connected to the Internet and listening for the sound […]
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