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By News Editors
Absent Without Leave – the latest column from Clusterf##k Nation
It ain’t bragging if it’s true. I’ve said repeatedly on this blog for years that the federal government would only become more impotent, more incompetent, and more ineffectual as The Long Emergency rolled out. And here we are now, at just such pass in history. (Article republished from The process has been well underway […]
By News Editors
The Republic has fallen: The deep state’s plot to take over America has succeeded
“You have such a fervent, passionate, evangelical faith in this country…why in the name of God don’t you have any faith in the system of government you’re so hell-bent to protect? You want to defend the United States of America, then defend it with the tools it supplies you with—its Constitution. You ask for a […]
By News Editors
The WAR racket day of reckoning: Is the American empire on the verge of collapse?
Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom […]
By News Editors
Mass exodus: 1 million people have ditched New York since 2010
The folks of New York City seem to be slowly waking up to the fact that there are a whole lot of places to live in between America’s two shores that cost a lot less money, enjoy much better weather and don’t tax their citizens to death. According to the latest data from the United […]
By News Editors
Your smart phone and computer are probably on the list of consumer electronics targeted by the CIA
Wikileaks has now posted “Identifying Hacking Targets of the CIA” which lists out “companies, products, tools, and terms that are mentioned in the Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed publication to date,” in order to inform people as to whether or not their smart phones, computers, gaming systems, television sets etc. can easily be turned […]
By News Editors
The lying mainstream media are prestitutes on the front lines of America’s police state
The CIA created and accumulated from other sources a huge array of malware and cyber attack capability capable of stealing information from any individual, any government, any corporation, any intelligence agency and either leaving no trace or leaving a “fingerprint” of an innocent party. The CIA, being arrogant and incompetent, lost control over its monster […]
By News Editors
BLM agent in Bundy Case accused of misconduct
Federal Judge Gloria Navarro has denied motions to dismiss charges against 17 defendants in the Bundy Ranch standoff trials, but she has ordered prosecutors to turn over an investigative report that could severely damage the government’s case. (Article by Steve Byas from “The OIG (Office of the Inspector General in the Department of the Interior) […]
By News Editors
Newborn seized after “off-grid” parents refuse social security number
HEFLIN, Ala. — A couple is charging that social workers took their newborn the day after he was born because of their alternative lifestyle and religious beliefs. (Article by Daniel Jennings from “They said our view was dangerous,” Christian Holm said of social workers for the Cleburne County, Ala., Department of Human Resources (DHR). “We […]
By News Editors
How to defeat the globalist system
In my last two articles, ‘How Globalists Predict Your Behavior’ and ‘How To Predict The Behavior Of Globalists’, I explained the base fundamentals behind a concept with which most people are unfamiliar. They are so unfamiliar with it, in fact, that I didn’t bother to name it. In this article I hope to explain it, […]
By News Editors
40 men control the planet: It’s Trump and you vs. everyone else
President Trump has a nearly impossible job. The Mexican President, Nieto, spit in Trump’s face yesterday. Mexico says that they will refuse to negotiate with the Trump administration so long as they insist that Mexico will build the wall. (Article by By Dave Hodges from The simple thing to do seems to consist of canceling […]
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